Rogue Valley Amateur Radio Club


Several times a year, the Cascade Amateur Radio Club (C.A.R.E.) offers a series of courses that are designed to prepare participants for their license examinations for the Technician and General Class licenses. We do not currently offer and Extra-Class License Course.

For more on these license grades see “Getting Licensed” on the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) website.

Next class begins Saturday, August 3rd, 2019

The class sessions are held on Saturdays from 9am to noon at the Medford Fire Station No. 4, located near the intersection of Table Rock Road and Berrydale Ave in Medford (right next to the Railroad Park).

You may order manuals at a discount through the Instructors, or via the email or phone number listed below.  Walk-Ins are always welcome throughout the course!   ( Though you may have some catching up to do!!  We have built in a way for you to do so at your own pace. )

There is no cost for the class itself, just the cost of the materials - two Manuals (Technician and General, $25.00 each, for a total of $50.00), and $15 for the test at the end of the course.

This course combines instruction for both the Technician and General license classes.  This will make it possible to study for, and then take, both exams in the same exam session when you are ready.  Alternately, you can take just the Technician class exam and take your time to prepare for your General-class “ticket” later.  No pressure!!  However, the class sessions will cover information from both license classes.

For more detailed class information visit

For further information

Contact Curt Hadley, KF7VZV, at [email protected] or 541-261-2648

© 2024 Rogue Valley Amateur Radio Club