Rogue Valley Amateur Radio Club


You can renew or modify (change of address) your existing amateur license.

There are several ways to accomplish this:

  • You can use W5YI or ARRL to do this for you. There may be a charge.
  • You can do it yourself for free on the FCC’s ULS (Universal License System) webpage. You will need to know your FRN number, and the password you used originally to sign up for ULS.

Normally you can renew a license no sooner than 90 days prior to expiration. If your license has expired then you may renew it up to 2 years after expiration (this is called the grace period), but you may not operate on the air during the grace period. You must have a successfully processed renewal to resume on the air operation.

From the FCC webpage: Filing Electronically using the Universal Licensing System

You may renew your license through the Universal Licensing System (ULS) at any time within 90 days of the expiration date for the license and up to two years after the license expires. To renew, go to the ULS Home, select Online Filing, and follow the instructions below.

  1. Login to the ULS License Manager with your FCC Registration Number (FRN).
  2. From your License At A Glance page, choose the Renew link in the right hand menu called Work on this License. When your license is within the renewal period of 90 days before the expiration date until the expiration date, or within the 2 year grace period allowed there after the Renew link will appear. If your license is not eligible for renewal the link will not appear.
  3. On the Select Updates page, review the licensee information displayed beneath the table of license information. If any of the data is missing or out of date you must update it. Click on the box to the left of the Licensee Information heading to insert a checkbox and select it.
  4. When ready click Continue.
  5. Answer the questions on the Applicant Questions page, and click Continue when ready.
  6. On the Licensee Information page, review and update all of your licensee information. Make any corrections that are necessary.
  7. On the Summary page review the information you have entered. If you wish to make additional changes, click the Edit button next to the section of your application you wish to Edit. You will be able to return to that page of the application. Make the desired change and select the Return to Summary button.
  8. When ready to submit your update to the Commission, choose the Continue to Certify button.
  9. After reading the certification, enter your first and last names in the boxes at the bottom of the page. You MUST sign the application. When finished choose the Submit Application button.
  10. From the ULS Confirmation screen, we recommend you print a copy of your application and/or the Confirmation screen itself from your web browser.

Note: The address and contact information you have entered in CORES registration will not be automatically associated with your licenses. To change the address or other contact information on your license, you must update your information in ULS or submit Form 605 manually.

Filing Manually

You may alternatively submit a paper FCC Form 605 (edition dated September 2017 or later) to:

1270 Fairfield Road
Gettysburg, PA 17325-7245

© 2025 Rogue Valley Amateur Radio Club