Rogue Valley Amateur Radio Club

Antique Equipment Auction - May 11, 2019

The Tube Collectors Association will hold an auction for radio collectors, tube enthusiasts, and book collectors on Saturday, May 11. This’ll be at the Old Sams Valley School (KB2EVN QTH), starting at 9 AM. Lunch fixings are included. Address is 102 McDonough Rd., where it joins Old Sams Valley Rd.

The gear totals 150 lots.

There are ‘20s vintage broadcast radios, including eight Atwater Kent sets, early Fada Neutrodynes, a Westinghouse RA-DA and Aeriola Jr. crystal set, a Rogers (Canadian), an RCA Radiola III two-tuber, etc. A total of eleven ‘20s horn and cone speakers are offered.

Tubes include a fine De Forest Spherical Audion, groups of baby CRTs, a set of De Forest “Specialist Audions,” a group of Rogers spray-shielded types, a scanning-disc neon TV lamp, a set of ‘20s early AC-powered tubes, a bunch of Western “tennis-ball” types, early Eimac transmitting tubes, and a raft of others.

Literature includes 18 issues of the “AWA Review,” and years of AWA, CHRS, and Tube Collector magazines. There is a mass of tube data and other literature, plus early radio service data. There is a bunch of books on Thomas Edison and his inventions, on phono-graph-related topics, and early light bulbs. A full set of the original MIT Radiation Laboratory 28-volume books on radar, two full Western Electric data binders, and other references..

Two crank-powered disc phonographs are offered, plus an Edison Gem cylinder player. There are about 450 78-RPM phono records, most from the ‘20s.

There are three “violet ray” medical machines, an oak-and-glass store-fixture display cabinet, a bunch of early test gar including a National CRO oscilloscope from the ‘30s, and other early scopes. There’s even a Viking (Canadian) 14” portable B&W VHF TV set.

All gear is in a catalogue, on the web at, under the “Archive” button.

A few seats are still available. Please contact me ([email protected] (or 541-855-5207) to reserve a place. No charge for bidding or lunch..

Lud Sibley


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